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New Delhi is a historical city well connected through out the world and is the capital city of India.  There are budget hotels, guest house (with in university and outside university) and three and five star hotels available for accommodation to participants. The world famous Taj Mahal, Red fort, Jaipur Maharaja Palaces and Mughal Tombs are added interest for the participants besides normal tourist attraction places. 

About travel and accommodation

Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India is the central government funded university is the vision that ideas are a field for adventure, experimentation and unceasing quest and diversity of opinions its chief premise. The Arravalli  hill range, where the 1000 -acre campus is housed is now lush green. Parts of it host dense forests, sustaining a birdwatcher's paradise and some forms of wild life. The JNU campus is a microcosm of the Indian nation, drawing students from every nook and corner of the country and from every group and stratum of society.  Overseas students form some 10 percent of the annual in take. Students' hostels and blocks of faculty residences are interspersed with one another, underlining the vision of a large Indian family. Several Centres in these Schools have been declared by the UGC (University Grants Commission, Govt. of India) to be Centres of 'Excellence'. These are Centre for Historical Studies, Centre for the Study of Social Systems, Centre for Political Studies, Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Centre for the Study of Regional Development, School of Physical Sciences, School of Life Sciences and School of Environmental Sciences received the UGC recognition as Centres for Excellence. Reasonably good guest house available with limited rooms for this conference at nominal rates with dining facility for the guests. There are auditoriums with capacity ranging from 50 -150 occupants are available for this conference.

The proposed venue of the conference are JNU and India Habitat Center, New Delhi