1. Scientific and Technical Aspects of Coastal Zone
F Monitoring system and modeling
F Marine habitat assessment
F Coastal ecosystem evaluation
F Persistent problems i.e. over fishing, eutrophication,
habitat alteration and contamination by toxic chemicals
F Coastal engineering, i.e. erosion, shoreline management
and sediment transport
2. Ecological and Ecohydrological Aspects of Coastal Ecosytems
F Hydrology and hydro-geochemistry of coastal wetlands
F Nutrient biogeochemical cycles in coastal systems as well
as the pollution aspect.
F Isotopic applications in biogeochemical assessment in coastal
F Biological aspect of Coastal ecosytem
F Tsunami impact on coastal wetlands
F Human-Ecosystem interactions in coastal wetlands
F Climate change and Sea Level rise
3. Dynamics of Coastal Groundwater
F Environmental problems in coastal watersheds (surface and
groundwater contamination and interaction) due to human activities
F Seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers
F Tsunami impact on coastal groundwater
F Isotope application to understand coastal groundwater dynamics
F Groundwater flow and mass transport modeling for assessment
and management of coastal groundwater resources and pollution in coastal aquifers.
F Toxic elements in coastal groundwater with special reference
to arsenic
F Sustainable management of coastal groundwater resource
F Modeling
and Prediction of Caostal environmental change
4. Management Aspects of Coastal Ecosystems
F Impact of reduced freshwater flow and river interlinking
on ecology of coastal environment
F Role of remote sensing techniques and Geographic Information
System (GIS) techniques in coastal zone management
F Management of coastal systems through scientific and community
participation approach with special reference to densely populated coasts (including the delta regions of South Asia and other developing
F Policy, legislation, Protection and Management of coastal
F Tourism in the coastal regions